USD 2050
Blade: CPM 154 High Carbon Stainless Steel
- Full Blackened Titanium Frame
- Timascus Pivot Collars, Lockbar Stopper, Thumb Studs
Pocket Clip: Timascus
Backspacer: Timascus
Knife Weight: 105g
Blade Geometry:
- Knife Length: 7.5in
- Blade Length: 3.2in
For the second knife, I decided to center my attention on a different kind of Damascus laminate: Timascus, which is a forged combination of Titanium and Zirconium.
The blade was made with a material called CPM 154, a high-end stainless steel with superb hardness and reliability. I polished the CPM 154 to a semi-mirror finish, contrasting with the matte surface and the deep graphite color of the Titanium handle frame.
Similar to its twin counterpart, this folding knife also has a cut through the domed inlay bisecting the handle, creating the frame lock mechanism. However, the domed inlay for this knife was created using Timascus, which was also used to create the pivot collar from which the cut radiates from.
On the other end of the handle, the Timascus pocket clip curves inward along the cut, completing the visual composition on the Titanium handle. The handle scales were then assembled onto a Timascus backspacer sandwiched inside the handle.
With the combination of CPM 154 stainless steel and Timascus, this stunning work of art carries on the story of its twin knife, but with a completely distinct visual story etched on its blade, pocket clip, inlay, and pivot collar. Through the iridescent abalone-like Damascus patterns, a visual interstellar journey is etched on this knife—a testament to its capacity to endure beyond a lifetime of use.
USD 2100
Blade: Damasteel (Bjorkman's Twist)
- Full Blackened Titanium Frame
- Damasteel Pivot Collars, Lockbar Stopper
- Zirconium Pivot and Thumb Studs
Pocket Clip: Damasteel
Backspacer: Zirconium
Knife Weight: 105g
Blade Geometry:
- Knife Length: 7.5in
- Blade Length: 3.2in
For the first knife, I centered the design around the use of Damasteel. The Bjorkman's Twist pattern on the Damasteel blade complemented perfectly with the aggressive profile of the full Titanium handle frame.
The matte surface of the blackened Titanium, achieved with thorough sand blasting, is artfully bisected by a cut passing through a domed Damasteel inlay, creating the frame lock mechanism of the handle. This cut emerges from the Damasteel pivot collar which encircles the sculpted Zirconium pivot.
From the opposite end of the handle, the Damasteel pocket clip curves in towards the domed inlay, and creates a visual contrast with the gun metal-like surface of the Titanium. Lastly, the Titanium handle scales are held together by a polished Zirconium backspacer.
All together, these materials were meticulously sculpted and assembled to create this extraordinary work of art—an otherworldly piece with monotone Damascus patterns reminiscent of atmospheric storms on Jupiter, perfect for a knife that can withstand conditions as unforgiving as space itself.